
How do you have a happy life

       Want happiness, people should renounce go down your desires. A life that always yearn for what they do not have, it is loss of personal power. That person will never have the feeling of satisfaction, happiness, and peace of mind. Living inside a person like that, we did not find happiness. Because what he is trying to do is not try to build happiness in his life. Which is just trying to do his desires. Desires that may be true, may be wrong. And for pursuing the implementation of these desires, human dignity, and his whole life would change. So their life right now is a very unstable. A person like that is very hard to trust, love of those around them.

        In fact, humans and all other species on Earth. We need to eat, drink, survival of the species, ... Just meet the needs of this creature, we can comfortably stand on a par with all the others. It really is the essential needs and important for an existence on earth for all species. But really, what people really need, really enjoy and just like that. But all other things are merely the fleeting. Imagine that view, if you owned 100 homes throughout the city in the country. The house yet you are also very valuable. It was great everyone will admire and respect you. But the reality is that it means more to you not? You are just in a house If you just moved to management and use of 100 homes that will make you tired more than happy your house has hundreds of luxury furnished rooms, it's high to the 12th floor, you still live in a room. But science has proven, if you in a house too high, or too wide, it will be harmful to health. If you own 100 cars for updates on today's market. Then you still only use one to go We actually just a collection of your car only. If you own a few hundred million dollars, that amount is actually just a long series of numbers on the window of your bank account. The sequence that is longer, or shorter than a little practice, no effect on your life. Despite how much you own land, factories, mines, business establishments, cars, yachts ,,, when leaving this world, you still can not bring them. This may be the reason that the wealthiest people in the world now has committed to spend most of their assets to charities. Money is something extremely valuable in human life. The desire of man is infinite, endless. We estimate there is a house, when the house we wished luxury cars, when automobile then we can estimate private jet. If doing so, our whole life is just a series of dreams and desire to implement it. That happiness is the content and satisfied with the present. So we will never be happy. Have an idea of poverty. Be satisfied with what you have. And please enjoy the pleasure of your own life. By doing so, you will have a happy life!
                                                                     Author: Pham Thi Hoi

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